Three Ways to Make High Performers Feel Valued
Many leaders assume that top talent leaves for higher pay or better opportunities, but research shows that a more...
New Year, New You? How About “New Year, Same You!”
As we roll into a new year, it’s tempting to embrace the idea that everything will magically fall into place just...
Your Leadership Superpower: Emotional Agility
I've been thinking a lot about the double-whammy that leaders are dealing with right now. With so many disruptors...
Four Keys to Courageous Conversations
Courageous conversations involve discussing topics that you would rather avoid. They are often known as...
Finding the Sweet Spot: Balancing Control and Trust When Delegating
Often managers struggle to find the right balance when delegating. One extreme involves micromanaging and the other...
Addition by Subtraction for Leaders
“Clarity comes from subtraction. The problem is that our default is set to add." – Greg McKeown Essentialism: The...
What’s On Your Plate? The Crucial Role of Priority Alignment
Your workplace landscape is constantly evolving and bringing you new challenges and shifting priorities. As a...
Why You Should Never Retire
I know this may be a controversial topic. However, "Why You Should Never Retire" is the actual title of a recent...
Elevate Your Leadership Presence: Knowing When to Speak Up
An important part of elevating your leadership presence is knowing when – and when not – to speak up."In many...
Use Strategic Thinking to Create the Life You Want in 2024
Some people like to start their New Year off with a list of resolutions, while others prefer to...
The Gift You Give Yourself
In this season of gift giving, it's easy to focus on tangible gifts – holiday presents, delivering cookies,...
How To Use Core Values As Your Compass In Midlife
Midlife brings about a variety of changes and challenges that can feel overwhelming at times. How can we navigate and...
What’s Your Ripple Effect?
In our interconnected world, every action has a ripple effect that touches others in ways we may never fully grasp. As...
Drive Organizational Change By First Transforming Yourself
When a leader is elevated to a new role within an organization, they can easily fall into the trap...
Are You a Simplifier or a Complicator?
In a recent interview, Former President Barack Obama shared career advice he gives to young people. But...
How Limiting Beliefs are Getting in Your Way of Effective Leadership
Lately I've witnessed how limiting beliefs get in the way of my clients living their best lives. A limiting...
6 Ways for Leaders to Request Feedback from Their Team
When leaders ask for feedback, they create a culture of transparency that increases the level of trust on a team....
Rebooting Isn’t Just For Your Computer: 3 Steps to Reboot Your Personal Operating System
Just as your computer needs a reboot on a regular basis, so does your own human operating system – your daily...
Your 401(k) Isn’t Enough: Invest in Friendships and Hobbies During Retirement
What are the predictors of longevity, health, and happiness in later adult life? It may be surprising to learn that...
How to Effectively Frame an Issue
The ability to frame an issue is a facilitation skill that is sorely lacking in organizations today. I've seen teams...
My Advice to Tom Brady
After another year of "Will he or won't he?" Tom Brady has declared he will in fact retire from the NFL. I've been...
Are You Coachable?
Coaches ask questions. We don't provide the answers – usually. Our job is to help you look inside yourself...
A Leader’s Role in the Return to Office (RTO)
Many companies have pushed for a return to the office, with about 90% of companies planning to have their...
Finding the Sweet Spot: Balancing Control and Trust When Delegating
Often managers struggle to find the right balance when delegating. One extreme involves micromanaging and the other...