
I’ve been thinking a lot about the double-whammy that leaders are dealing with right now. With so many disruptors interfering with our everyday lives (election season, the rise of AI, the threat of layoffs, etc.), leaders have a tough job because they not only have to contend with their own rollercoaster of emotions but also support the emotional well-being of their team. Addressing all of this emotional volatility can be challenging and overwhelming at times.

Enter the importance of emotional agility. Harvard Professor Susan David explains “being emotionally agile means learning to live with our emotions, thoughts, and memories in a healthy way that is consistent with our values.” She shares a simple three-step process to help leaders be present to and agile in regard to emotions. We can apply this to ourselves as leaders and also to our employees: 

1. Acknowledge their feelings
2. Reassure them that their difficult feelings are valid 
3. Make sure they know they are valued

This can help foster trust and create a sense of psychological safety, especially during times of uncertainty.

To better understand and articulate emotions, go beyond basic labels like “happy” or “angry.” Instead, use more specific words such as anxiousresentfulhopeful, or overwhelmed. Encouraging your team to identify specific emotions leads to deeper self-awareness and helps you respond more effectively to their needs.

Finally, after significant events, it’s essential to create a safe space for emotional expression at work. Acknowledge the mix of feelings, reinforce the importance of respect, and emphasize shared values. For example, you might say: “We all have personal feelings about the [EVENT], and that’s okay. Let’s be thoughtful about how we express them, focusing on our commitment to a supportive and respectful environment.” This approach demonstrates emotional agility and fosters a culture of empathy and inclusivity.

To go deeper on emotional agility, I encourage you to check out Susan David’s website which offers a wealth of resources.