Canceling or pushing off one-on-one (1:1) meetings with direct reports is a big time issue I’m seeing right now. And it’s having consequences . . . .
- Jessica quit her job because her boss kept pushing off their 1:1 meetings. She is an experienced Senior Director but she told me in a coaching session that she left her position because her VP manager didn’t have time to meet with her. She felt like he didn’t care enough to give her feedback on her performance or her development as a professional. She decided to move to a company that will give her what she needs.
- Nia is another client of mine. She was recently promoted to a more senior role and runs the entire division in her organization. Since her promotion nine months ago, her C-suite boss has met with her only three times. Nia has no idea how she’s doing in her role and feels adrift without direction. Even though she’s talented and experienced, she would still appreciate input from her boss about how her division is doing and how she could improve.
These real-life examples show that there is real frustration and discouragement with this trend.
Here’s the skinny: Employees, even at the most senior leadership levels, need you to check in with them on a regular basis. That’s why 1:1 meetings are so crucial.
The good news is that you can choose to prioritize these meetings. Schedule 30-minute meetings with your direct reports every one or two weeks. Set them up on a regular schedule. Don’t skip them.
I’ve got some great tips to share with you about how you can have memorable and meaningful 1:1 check-in. This article from BetterUp shares:
- 3 Ways to Prepare for 1:1s
- 6 Topics to Talk About in Your 1:1s
- A Downloadable Meeting Agenda
- Tons of Questions to Jumpstart Conversations
With all of these tools at your fingertips, you’ll be prepared and ready for some of the most important conversations that you will have as a leader.